Yellowfin Change Log
Yellowfin BI 8.0.1 - build 20190320
8.0 Update
Published: 25 March, 2019
12517 - Updated Microsoft JDBC driver to version 7.2.1
>Microsoft JDBC driverを7.2.1にアップデートしました。
Resolved Issues(不具合改修):
14297 - Added missing role function DISTRIBUTESIGNAL to the Signals product, to allow the sharing of Signals
13065 - Fix problem installing and upgrading when using Sybase SQLAnywhere as the configuration database.
>Sybase SQLAnywhereをリポジトリデータベースとして使用していた際、インストールとアップデート時が正常に終了しなかった事象を解消しました。
13981 - Fixed an error preventing Yellowfin from being installed on MySQL v8 and fixed an incompatibility with Signals and MySQL v8
>MySQL 8をリポジトリデータベースとしてインストールした際に発生していたエラーを解消しました、また、シグナルが動作していなかった事象も併せて解消しました。
Yellowfin Change Log
Yellowfin BI 8.0.1 - build 20190301
8.0 Update
Published: 1 March, 2019
Resolved Issues(不具合改修):
14072 - Fix Calculated Field bracketing issue
13714 - Fixed an issue on the report builder that caused issues in some cases when the report had no fields in it yet.
Yellowfin Change Log
Yellowfin BI 8.0.1 - build 20190221
8.0 Update
Published: 21 February, 2019
Added the ability to Action a Signal. Signals can be actioned from the Signal list page or the Signal itself. Signal actions are on a per client org level.
Signal Actions are:
- Owning a Signal - Signals can be assigned to a person who is shown to own the Signal. A user can assign themselves an owner or someone else can assign or reassign a person to a Signal
- Sharing a Signal - Signals can be shared with other users with Signal access, and they recieve an email and a timeline alert of the Signal share - This also makes them a watcher of the Signal.
- Dismiss Signal - This removes the Signal from your list of All Signals and unwatches the Signal. This is only for the one user, unlike Closing a Signal
- Closed state for signals that disables most actions on the signal and removes it from searches unless using the "Closed" filter. This closes the Signal for all users.
- オーナーになる - シグナルをユーザーにアサインすることで、そのユーザーは対象のシグナルのオーナーとして表示されます。ユーザーは、自らをオーナーとしてアサインすることもできますし、別のユーザーをアサイン、または再割当することもできます。
- 共有 - シグナルへのアクセス権を付与されたユーザーに、シグナルを共有することができます。共有されたユーザーには電子メール、またはタイムラインにその旨が通知されます。また、自動的にウォッチャーに追加されます。
- 無視する - ユーザーのシグナル一覧から対象のシグナルを削除し、ウォッチしている場合は、それを解除します。これはアクションを実行したユーザーにだけ適用されるため、他のユーザーのシグナル一覧には影響しません。
- クローズ - すべてのアクションを無効にし、すべてのユーザーのシグナル一覧から対象のシグナルを削除します。そのため、「クローズ」フィルターを適用しない限り、検索することはできません。
Enhanced the Signal scoring Model to include the number of times a Signal was opened by user, the number of discussions on a Signal by user, the grouping keys for the Signals that the user is watching and which Signals a user has given a thumbs up/down.
- ユーザーがシグナルをオープンした回数
- ユーザーがシグナルに追加したディスカッションの数
- ユーザーがウォッチしているシグナルのグループ化キー
- ユーザーがどのシグナルに評価(Yes/ No)を付けたか
13828 - Updated the style of the Signal List Page
13738 - Updated the style of the Signal Page UI
13867 - Added a new heat colour set (orange, grey, blue) to the chart builder, and changed the Signal analysis report charts to be follow the good/bad colours in blue or orange
13781 - Added a parameter into the Signal job config settings for choosing a separate metric which is used for pruning and relevance instead of the Signal's own base metric. If the job contains any metric fields which have a ratio calculation, or an average aggregation, then the pruning metric is mandatory because using the existing pruning/relevance calculations on those metrics doesn't make sense. Metrics which are available as pruning metrics are those which do not have a ratio or average aggregation, and are selected in the data discovery setup, and are either not present in the current job's metrics, or if they are present, the selected aggregation must be SUM.
12814 - Added an email notification to alert the user when a Signal is added to the users timeline
12536 - Added new alert on the timeline for other Signals found when running a Signal job, which then links to the Signal list page, filtering by the view used for the Signal job
13140 - Added email notifications for watchers of a Signal so they are notified when a Comment is added, the Owner changes or a Story is published on the Signal.
12923 - Added a new drop down filter for all the views, which Signals are generated from, on the Signal list page
12543 - A copy of the Signal analysis report can now be launched from the analysis tab on a Signal page
13835 - Changed the name of step Signal to breakout and updated their narratives with the new wording - Prolonged Spike and Prolonged Drop
12585 - Changes were made to the Signal chart so that the good/bad colouring is used. Other colours on the Signal chart were also changed so that important information is highlighted.
12688 - Fixed the import, export, cloning and copying views so that Signal job configuration is also copied
13952 - Fixed the unbalanced outlier periods in the Signal analysis report results
13255 - Fresh installations of Yellowfin having a Signals licence will have the "Signals Consumer" function switched on by default for all roles, and "Signals Config" switched on for System Admins.
>シグナルが有効なライセンスを使用してインストールした場合、用意されているロールすべてでシグナル閲覧権がONに、System Administratorロールでシグナル設定権がONになるよう改善しました。
12494 - The story header image is hidden now when the Story is viewed on a Signal
12580 - Added correlation analysis to Signals
12773 - Implemented full support for client organisations for Signals
11213 - Implemented pruning for Signals based on contributions on compare and target periods
13144 - The filter on the Signal page now defaults to 'My Signals' and the 'Last 7 days'
12974 - Changed the caching of Signal time series to be turned on by default
12969 - When navigating from the Signal list page to a Signal, the Signal list page will still be filtered to the previous filtered state
12965 - Added the name of the view that the Signal is based off to the Signal page, Signal list page and Signal timeline alerts
12933 - Changed the Signal rating from a star system to Thumbs up / Thumbs down
12538 - Applied the good/bad colouring the Signal timeline alert, Signal annotations on the chart and on the narrative on the Signal and Signal list page
12548 - Added a fix so that when you leave the Signal page, you return to where you were previously
13899 - Removed the window size option in the Signal job configuration
13785 - Fixed an issue where the configuration option for the state of the week was not used in either charts or in the Signal analysis
13950 - The Signal job analysis threshold sensitivity values were changed to be more balanced
12562 - Selecting users and groups in the access step during Signal configuration is now restricted to those available in the organisations selected in the clients step. Any previously selected options that are invalid will be removed when moving from the client step to the access step.
12643 - When Signals are generated and a user is notified, the user is now also automatically watching that signal
13220 - Updated Signal types dropdown to be a static list always containing all options. Also grouped together some Signal types for clarity to remove all of the cluttering sub-types.
12296 - Changed the title of the Story save pop-up from 'Save Story' to 'Publish Story', Removed dropdown menu from Save button, Replaced the text on save button with 'Publish'
12334 - Added functionality to create a new Report from within a Story
12817 - Added functionality to indicate the drop points when dragging a content within Story.
12124 - Added the ability to insert public PowerBI, Qlik and Tableau reports into Story
11235 - Added functionality to request a Story to be written for a Signal by using the existing task system
13422 - Added a new potential ENTRY parameter for SSO calls : VIEWSTORY
12412 - Enhanced the Story tab in the Signal Page to show you the name of the author writing the Signal Story.
13385 - Added some mitigation against tab-nab attacks for URLs
11291 - Annotations now appear as small white dots on the date slider.
13817 - Added a new feature that allows the user to trim dimensions from a chart that do not meet a specified threshold of values. This feature is applied to the charts on the Signal analysis tab
12804 - Fixed an issue where a very long annotation name would not wrap on an annotation tooltip
8181 - Updated text when creating a view based on multiple tables or stored procedures to "Create View" instead of "Edit View"
12404 - The add tag box has been removed from the annotation creation popup
Resolved Issues(不具合改修):
13089 - Fixed an issue where Radar charts were not generating
12077 - Fixed an issue that caused overlapping of the Activity Stream over the Story header
12684 - Fixed an issue where the report headings were not sticking to the top of the report, for a long report included on a Story with a scrollbar
12867 - Fixed an issue where charts on a Story created from a Snapshot were showing raw data rather than ref codes
12188 - Fixed an error that prevented migrating private stories when user gets removed by Admin
13206 - Fixed an issue where no Signals would be shown in on the Signal list page, which could occur when Signals had been generated and then all Signal jobs in the system were deleted.
13210 - Fixed an issue where in certain cases a Signal with no narrative could be generated
12776 - Fixed an issue where sometimes access filters were not being taken into account when performing Signal processing, resulting in incorrect timeline notifications and in some circumstances, to users seeing Signal's without the required access
13933 - Fixed an issue where the Signal analysis report was limited by the row limit of the datasource, so the limit was removed for these analysis reports so all the data was analysed
13386 - Fixed an issue where updating view access would not re-check existing users settings on Signal jobs
12884 - Fixed issue where sometimes a sql error would cause there to be no items shown on the Signal list page
13117 - Fixed problem with Signal and Story functions not working when CSRF filter was enabled.
13603 - Fixed an issue where the target and compare period were in the wrong order on the Signal analysis report
13494 - Added a check for when a view has a invalid source filter code which would stop a Signal job from running, invalid source filter codes are ignored
13893 - Implemented a fix to prevent dropping a lot of report run events for Signal tasks when not necessary
12843 - Improved performance of of Signal list page by adding caching and speed improvements
12212 - Invalid schedule values will now prevent advancing to the next step during the Signal configuration.
13729 - Made changes so that Signals found in previous job runs are not delievered to the timeline, so that only new Signals are delivered
13888 - Made changes in some of the parameter descriptions of the Signal set up config to be more informative
13392 - Fixed an issue where the filter results on the Signal page do not always match the filter values
13192 - Fixed an issue where the discussion count was not updated on the Signal list page
12970 - Fixed an issue where Signals may not be displayed on the Signal list page when the user has scrolled down the page and then applied filtering
12376 - Fixed an issue where a user was unable to edit a list poll on the Signal page
13464 - Added a hidden system content folder for the Signal analysis reports
13094 - Removed the "load more" button from Signal list page to match browse page behaviour.
13698 - Removed the ability to comment on Signal comments on timeline
13453 - Fixed validation for Pruning threshold algorithm parameter in the Signal job configuration
12770 - The granularity for a Signal job configuration has been changed so that it is now restricted by the minimum granularity on the date view field used to setup the job.
13106 - Fixed an issue where watchers list showed all users even though they are restricted by access filter
12862 - Fixed an issue where the share Story UI did not display correctly in Internet Explorer
12880 - Fixed an issue where saving a Story would remove the status of favourite
13186 - Fixed an issue where incorrect notification emails were sent if the Story was Private.
13501 - Fixed an issue that excluded the followers of a Story’s collaborator when sharing the Story
13143 - Fixed an issue that caused a Story to be locked even if there is no one editing it.
13233 - Fixed an issue that caused an error when switching charts of a Report in the Story page and editing the same Report at the same time.
13288 - Fixed a problem in the share popup for Story in the browse page as it was not consistent with the Story page
13412 - Fixed an issue that caused a loader to stay on the page when a Story is closed.
13942 - Fixed an issue that caused an error when opening a Signal Story of a Signal that was deleted
13720 - Fixed an issue that caused long report tables to flow outside its container in a Story
13421 - Fixed an issue that caused Snapshots, with custom Date filters, to not be rendered properly in a Story
13457 - Fixed an issue that prevented Users from creating Signal Stories in one org, if it had been created in another org
13246 - Fixed an issue that showed a button in Stories, to navigate to the linked content even if the user did not have access to it
13837 - Fixed an issue when a story is re-published after being shared. Opening the story from the shared url woudl give you error
12170 - Fixed an issue where the chart brushing menu was showing behind the chart tooltip
12881 - Fixed an issue where the tooltip on the date slider did not show correctly in the Story editor
13305 - Resolved an issue that was not allowing a user to set external URL parameters to Story URL's
12671 - Updated functionality so that old Snapshots would only be deleted if they were not being used in an active (OPEN, PENDING or DRAFT) Story.
10888 - Added a servlet filter to enable adding OWASP Secure headers to all HTTP responses.
>すべてのHTTPレスポンスにOWASP Secureヘッダーが追加できるよう、サーブレットフィルターを追加しました。
10356 - Approval notifications will now be sent to every member of an approval group, when group approval is set for a report or view.
13127 - Fixed 404 error when creating a view translation file.
13483 - Fixed a bug that prevented line chart formats appearing for overlay charts.
13018 - Fixed a bug that prevented the like button from displaying on root comments
13322 - Fixed an error saving roles when signals consumer role has been switched on but the deployment is on a pre-signals licence.
12882 - Fixed an issue because of which tasks were not being re-allocated when a Slave node becomes Master.
12941 - Fixed an issue preventing associated content from being added to a Storyboard
11568 - Fixed an issue preventing upgrades from 7.1 to 8.0.1 for Oracle or PostgreSQL
13854 - Fixed an issue that generated duplicated narratives when copying a report containing data insights
13105 - Fixed an issue where deleting a Client Organisation would crash the instance of Yellowfin.
12794 - Fixed an issue where multi metric split scatter auto chart did not render with a dimension colour and a trend
13055 - Fixed node discovery after temporary network outages in a DYNAMIC cluster
12866 - Fixed problem where events were not visible across all nodes in a clustered environment.
12755 - Fixed the plural textbox to only appear next to included dimensions in the assisted insights key variables tab.
13580 - Fixed an issue where multiple nodes starting up concurrently may not always get configuration from one another
13441 - Fixed an issue where a blank date picker says that its inputs must be valid when it is not mandatory
13300 - Fixed an issue where deselecting a field access filter in View settings inserts the word 'None' in the database in the users current language
13819 - Fixed an issue where a linked Filter with Offset does not apply on sub-query
12649 - Removed deprecated options on the comments to set an activity type and stream for a new or edited comment
13079 - Updated bundled postgresql jdbc driver to 42.2.5.jre7
>PostgreSQL JDBCドライバーを42.2.5.jre7にアップデートしました。
10623 - Updated MySQL JDBC driver to 5.1.47
>MySQL JDBCドライバーを5.1.47にアップデートしました。
6257 - Updated the Apache Derby library to version 10.14
>Apache Derbyのライブラリを10.14にアップデートしました。