Yellowfin Change Log
Yellowfin BI 7.3 - build 20180515
7.3 Update
Published: 15 May, 2018
8433 - User logged in at client org level can only see Background execution items for that client organisation, unless viewing from default org.
7202 - Reference lines in charts now have their own label font and size.
56 - Added a new japanese font 'HanaMinA' which has better character support than the other Japanese fonts.
6481 - Updated the YF schema so that long database URLs can be stored.
5304 - Added support for labels in line charts and combination charts.
7877 - Added pdf file security options for broadcasts (normal, personal and ftp schedule)
9114 - Schedule management webservices have been upgraded
9334 - Horizontal bar charts no longer have labels cut, on the left or right side of the chart when the label is placed at the end of the bar.
9340 - Added EXPORTCONTENTYFX function to the Administration web services to enable YFX files to be exported via a web service
9353 - Added a hidden configuration to allow the 'Reset' button for filters on Dashboard to reset Drill as well as Filters when pressed
9526 - Added an option for horizontal bar charts to place a label outside of the bar when it does not fit inside the bar.
9350 - Improved performance for some reports using tabbed co-displays when navigating between tabs.
Resolved Issues(不具合改修):
8180 - Broadcast schedule for a report is not deleted anymore when user without broadcast role edits a report with a broadcast schedule.
123 - Fixed and issue where pre-defined filters on dashboard were not reset properly when clicking reset.
4960 - Fixed an issue that view access code was not saved properly when clicking publish button.
6246 - Cloned views now retain the original's content folder
8452 - Fixed an issue where zooming in on a storyboard caused errors to be thrown
8806 - Reference codes can now be added and used even when the default language for Yellowfin is changed in the database directly.
6244 - Added functionality to enable user to move views to the other folder in browser page
9831 - Fixed a webservices issue where where reports run in a Client Org would use some formats and settings from the Primary Org
10010 - Fixed an issue with column name in case sensitive databases for Event data
10150 - Fixed an issue where sometimes labels in bar charts would appear overlapped or blurry.
10156 - Fixed an issue where LISTSCHEDULE webservice would not include some schedule types, such as broadcasts or system tasks. Also fixed an issue where broadcasts with filters would cause a serialisation error.
10254 - Fixed an issue where users without the correct role permissions were able to create new views.
4102 - Resolved an issue where the Date Extrapolation advanced function would not generate new date values for a date field based on timestamps.
5129 - Resetting filters on a dashboard will now also reset the date slider on any report on that dashboard
5777 - Fixed an issue that would prevent the License Management page from loading for users with language set to Italian.
5782 - Fixed an issue where the words following and screenshot were not translated for Italian.
6008 - The Cached filter values in design page were not ordered properly as per the order set from format menu. Hence made the fix so that sort order is proper.
6042 - Resolved an issue where the save as view toggle was disabled for row based reports.
6062 - Fixed an issue where trying to delete a view field which is used as the basis for a date hierarchy, grouped data, calculated, or custom function field would show an error explaining that the field was in use by by reports, even when it was not. Error message now explains the real reason why it can't be removed.
6122 - Fixed an issue that resulted in not recognizing certain Oracle specific data types.
6162 - Fixed issue with saving a report broadcast after clicking the Subscribe and Unsubscribe button(s).
6218 - Fixed issue with SSO WebService with entry=CREATEREPORT parameter in the URL.
>SSO Webサービスでentry=CREATEREPORTパラメーターを付与した場合の動作を改善しました。
6869 - When using a freehand SQL report as a view, fields are now shown in subsequent reports and view summary info. This requires editing and saving the original report once.
6986 - In a scenario wherein on the design page if user drags a chart and the chart(report) has a user prompt filter then the image shown to the user is not a correct image.So now the user will be shown a message if the autorun is disabled else the report will be run and the correct image will be shown to user.
7039 - Fixed an error that occurred while attempting to share a storyboard via email.
7081 - Fixed issue where copying an OLAP view would fail with an error and a new inaccessible view would be created
7730 - Fixed an issue that when adding condition, fields with boolean value could not be added because of wrong validation
7760 - Fixed drag drop issue in report builder and chart builder while drag drop a field in its same position will freeze all fields
8755 - Added hyperlink to data cell when export to excel
8808 - Fixed an issue where using cached filter values with stored procedures would not display any values.
8818 - Resolved an issue where converted date fields from stored procedures would not return the correct results when used as a filter.
8912 - Fixed issue where virtual tables in views would not have their columns loaded correctly when config parameter CHECKSCHEMAFORUSER is set to TRUE.
9084 - Fixed an issue where Google Maps charts couldn't be shared because they were classified as Javascript charts
>Google Mapレポートが電子メール配信できなかった事象を解消しました。
9109 - Fixed calc field issue for subquery reports where a 'where' clause predicate which was only partially contained in brackets would fail to parse correctly. Eg. CASE WHEN (expr OR expr) AND expr THEN ...
9167 - Implement TOP N on SQL Server to restrict rows returned.
>SQL Serverを分析データベースとして使用した場合、実行されるクエリーにTOP Nが組み込まれるように改善しました。
9268 - Fixed SQL generation for predefined date function calc fields with dynamic date on Quarters
9443 - Fixed a null pointer exception that occurred when attempting to broadcast a report with an empty canvas
9445 - Fixed an issue where advanced functions on OLAP fields would throw exceptions if they had the "Grouped by dimension" option enabled.
9484 - Fixed issue where importing a data source with access filters would fail if the system or import did not include the target reports or sources. This was fixed by automatically detecting these dependencies when exporting, so they get added to the export file automatically and by allowing users to select surrogate reports and sources for each access filter on a source when importing. Existing export files should still work and have the correct prompts on import.
9511 - Resolved an issue when there are no grouping values in column or row in a crosstab report with advanced function applied.
9541 - Resolved issues arising from columns set as case sensitive.
9543 - Fixed an error that would occur when attempting to add a geopack while using a case sensitive database.
9579 - Resolved an issue where passwords could not be changed when the instance had User Name as the selected login method.
9597 - Fixed issue to stop exports from including deleted images as a valid item.
9781 - Added some checks to stop errors in the case where no report is generated for a particular codisplay when running a broadcast
9806 - Fixed an issue where the favourites of an inactive user could cause an exception in the activity stream.
9830 - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to configure the role settings in a way so that dashboards could be emailed only. This included adding the role check so that the share popup is shown when there is the distribute OR the email role enabled.
9838 - Fixed an issue where line charts with yearly comparison on time series would not open the chart settings menu
9841 - Fixed an issue where zooming in when editing a storyboard caused the storyboard to throw an 'oh no' error
10765 - Fixed NPE with JS Charts on canvas
>キャンバスにJS Chartを配置している場合にNPEが発生していた事象を解消しました。
10796 - Fixed issue where multidimensional reports with Advanced Functions never complete