Yellowfin Change Log
Yellowfin BI 7.3 - build 20170523
Yellowfin 7.3 update
Published: 2 June, 2017
5414 - Added support for Exasol JDBC driver.
4879 - Fixed an issue that allowed JavaScript code to be executed in chart tooltips when active charts were disabled.
5561 - Added correct connection context for cached filter custom queries when using web services
5563 - Added correct connection context for report on report background execution when using web services
5599 - Added several changes to support Exasol DB as a CSV target.
Resolved Issues(不具合改修):
143 - Fixed incorrect date format for last modified date/timestamp in dashboards, storyboards, and discussions.
336 - In cross tab reports, when using calculated fields the aggregation shows 0 in older reports where the field was marked as 'calculated total'. This has been changed to default back to 'sum' in this specific case.
5044 - Enabled boundary options on Google GIS maps
>Google GISマップでGIS境界線設定が表示されていなかった問題を解消しました。
5249 - Fixed an issue with total aggregation as calculated total in pivot tables
5460 - Fixed a problem with am/pm display that was dependent on JVM locale instead of browser language in timeline and schedule management items.
5489 - Fixed a border formatting issue to work without setting the data style to custom.
5580 - Fixed an issue within view builder to address a syntax error, changed N/A value to empty string instead of null so that html select option will pick the value instead of the text
5588 - Fixed an issue within the admin area that was showing an empty cell. The fix now shows the correct number of users of a role per client org. You now see the correct numbers of users per client.
5394 - Fixed an issue that was causing the client ref ID filter to not work with the default org.
245 - Fixed a display issue with the 'fit to parent' co-display option within this version.
5248 - Fixed an upgrade issue with the analytic function within a specific report type to not work, this has been fixed.
5539 - Added an error message handling case of not selecting any tables with third party view when you are trying to create a new connector view.
5746 - Added SessionUtil.encodeURL() to work with different Tomcat configurations as this was causing images to not display.
5219 - Allowing JS API report with no client org assigned
>クライアント組織未使用時にJavascript APIレポートが使用できるよう改善しました。
5376 - Added a new message alert when an SSRS report is empty, user will now see a red dot next to mandatory filters when these are required.
5793 - Fixed issue with client org being able to delete primary org content, the delete option has been removed for all primary org content at the client org level.
5836 - Fixed an issue with the scroll bar in dashboard report for multiple chart canvas when using horizontal and vertical functionality.
5240 - Fixed problem import/export issue with reports when there is an empty canvas.
5689 - Fixed problem with saving default values in view filters when using predefined periods within views.
5385 - Fixed a null pointer exception error caused by changing the first field of a variance field on a chart from a field with metric color applied to a field that has no metric color configured.
5681 - Fixed a null pointer exception error that occurred when creating a chart with an animation.
5515 - Fixed a problem when a metric is changed to dimension in the view level, it still has default aggregation as sum (not applicable).
5571 - Fixed a problem with replacing ## with the field value when exporting to excel.
5337 - Fixed an issue when opening an SSRS report for the first time that caused a null pointer exception error.
5485 - Fixed an issue when upgrading from 7.1 to 7.3 where MS SQL connections would become broken after the upgrade.
>7.1から7.3へアップデートした際、MS SQL Serverの接続が正しく維持されていなかった問題を解消しました。
5604 - Fixed an issue where an error occurred on a dimension split multiple bar chart and changing the aggregation on a metric color to be count or count distinct.
>おまかせグラフで作成される格子グラフで、メトリックの色で使用している項目の集約タイプをCountかCount Distinctに変更した際に発生していたエラーを解消しました。
5829 - Fixed an issue with cached filters in sub-queries from a view that's different from the master query
5585 - Fixed a display issue with in-list child filters in the left side nav
5353 - Fixed an issue where default values of view parameters were not being passed to reports
5169 - Fixed an issue linked to checking advanced option to prevent setting values back to default when only local time zone code is changed that impacted refresh of setting to not be saved correctly
5610 - Fixed issue with parameter filters in AdHoc reports
5450 - Fixed issue with SQL server data sources being un-editable after upgrading from 7.1 to 7.3
>7.1から7.3へアップデートした際、MS SQL Serverデータソースが編集できなかった問題を解消しました。
5375 - Fixed problem importing SSRS data sources and reports when the report contains mandatory filters, this issue was causing the process to hang
5020 - Fixed the scrolling issue on field selection section to resize sub queries filter setting tab
5787 - Fixed issue with SSRS report that was causing a blank report display, linked to filters from sub query reports
5456 - Fixed issue with how the system handled custom parameters when linking to URL types
5314 - Fixed issue where a co-display report would run even if the load option was set to off. Co-display now doesn't run
5670 - Improved system performances when saving views
5791 - Fixed null pointer errors linked to LDAP groups if they haven't been loaded when enter Client Edit Page, we now remove LDAP users if they do not have LDAP group names.
5645 - Fixed oh - no error when dragging metric field with filter groups, no more error
5479 - Removed delete option when selecting multiple content and that content includes non-deletable content in the list.
5524 - removed empty rows when suppress duplicates are applied to all the shown columns and the row values are the all similar
5551 - Fixed an issue with linking filters in setting the properties of a mandatory filter that has a parent relationship
5584 - Fixed an issue where chart thumbnails on the chart builder page would appear broken after upgrading.
5378 - Fixed an issue where the initial value was not selected for mandatory drop down filter options
5354 - Fixed an issue where default org content was being loaded even when logged into client org via JavaScript embedded report/dash
>デフォルト組織のコンテンツにJavascript API経由でクライアント組織からアクセスした際に発生していた問題を解消しました。
5426 - Added runtime database errors details in the user interface when retrieving results and to help with overall system management
5377 - Fixed an issue with SSRS reports not loading images correctly in a dashboard, system now using correct image mapping path when loading reports in dashboard
5442 - Fixed an issue that was causing default values on a report to not automatically be selected within the filter formatting portlet
5119 - Fixed an issue with suppress duplicates not working correctly with HTML generated reports