Yellowfin Change Log
Yellowfin BI 7.1 - build 20161209
Published: 9 December, 2016
Resolved Issues(不具合改修):
[247939] Fixed issue with editing existing broadcasts
Yellowfin Change Log
Yellowfin BI 7.1 - build 20161128
Yellowfin 7.1 update
Published: 7 December, 2016
[237583] Fix broadcasts failing due to encrypted password handling
[234404] Add "Standard Authentication (No Pooling)" option to Authentication options. User can use this option to disable datasource connection pooling.
>データソースの認証アダプター設定に"Standard Authentication (No Pooling)"を追加しました。これにより、コネクションプールを無効にすることができるようになります。
[237564] 7.1 and 7.2 now have a new client org select page which is the same for mobile and desktop browsers
Resolved Issues(不具合改修):
[200435] -1 can now be used as an input for arguments in formula templates
[217820] Annotation date entry now defaults to user date format
[235131] Fixed typo causing group view security not to work correctly
[239467] Updated Apache commons libraries to mitigate clickjacking vulnerability
>クリックジャッキングの脆弱性緩和のため、Apache commons librariesを更新しました。
[242157] Fixed an issue with linked co-display filters breaking when importing and selecting to replace the report
[242255] Installing Yellowfin using the Microsoft JDBC driver for SQL Server will now correctly create columns in tables with the nvarchar type
>MS JDBCドライバーを使用してSQL Serverにインストールする際、nvarchar型のカラムが正常に作成されなかった問題を解消しました。