Yellowfin Change Log
Yellowfin BI 7.1 - build 20160128
Published: 29 January, 2016
[209432] Username and Password validation now returns the same warning message
[198508] Backup path can be specified as command line parameter in Updater.
[204640] Option to disable connection pool heart beat.
[212272] Option to skip Cache Filter Population on content import
Resolved Issues(不具合改修):
[145423] Fixed formatting of emailed html reports for web-based email clients such as GMail
[161578] Changed the columnar driver source folder in yellowfin build process. The driver that is going to be in the build, now comes from yellowfin lib folder.
>Columnar DBのドライバーを変更しました。
[162052] Fixed a bug that caused users to not be able to log in after installing Yellowfin when the operating system is set to Turkish
[162138] Fixed an error that caused the Yellowfin install to fail when the operating system language is Turkish
[162435] Detect Thai Locale and adjust dates accordingly.
[173530] Fixed an issue with reports that contains both append and union subqueries. The union must be made only with the master report's fields (like 6.3).
>AppendサブクエリーとUnionサブクエリーの両方を含むレポートでの問題を解消しました。Yellowfin 6.3のように、Unionはマスタークエリーの項目でのみ作成されます。
[178183] Fixed an issue with chart category translations being cached
[188087] Fixed an issue that would cause the wrong user role to be assigned if the role was changed multiple times on the same day
[191561] Fixed issue in Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds formatter where the word 'Day' was hardcoded to English
[194334] Expanded the brushing dialogue to accommodate languages with longer strings
[194802] Fixed issue where selecting all languages in Create Translation File could result in 0 Changes showing
[199248] Updated favicon used on pages other than the login screen
[202162] Google Maps now work correctly with the CSRF filter enabled
>CSRFフィルターを有効にした際にGoogle マップが正常に動作するようになりました。
[208439] Timeline link now works correctly with the CSRF filter
[209258] Apply timeslider filter values to dependent reports on dashboard first load
[210402] Issue with UTF-8 characters when using the CSRF Filter is resolved.
[211250] PostgreSQL free-hand SQL transaction errors fixed.
[211680] Fix Azure datasource detection
[211930] Fixed an NPE with comparative conditional formats on charts
[212053] Fix schedule management page display error occurring when some broadcast schedules are missing their associated broadcasts' information
[212193] Fixed an issue where default access filters were not being applied correctly for advanced sub queries added to CSV reports
[212260] Fixed an issue where org ref code colours could not be set for some charts
[214808] Fixed issues with CSRF filter on forgot password popup