[126933] Added the option to set a minimum interval for broadcasts
[198332] Added missing conditional format operators for OLAP cube reports
[198778] Made comparative conditional formats applicable to bar charts
[198862] Group flattening optimisations
[200406] New webservices for managing roles.
Resolved Issues(不具合改修):
[126873] Change to installer for MySQL InnoDB table indexes which were too long with 4 byte encodings.
[155203] Ensure sub queries are deleted correctly when deleting a report that has sub queries
[193690] Fixed an issue with cloning freehand SQL views
[194325] Fixed an issue with GIS Google maps on clustered instances
>クラスタリング環境にてGIS Googleマップレポートを開いた時に発生していた問題を解消しました。
[194813] Fixed an issue with total labels being cut off on stacked horizontal bars
[196219] Fixed an error that didn't allow the sub-queries view fields to be used in an advanced sub-queries calculated field
[196221] Fixed a bug that allowed invalid fields to be used in calculated fields in some circumstances
[196963] Fixed a problem when a view is updated while a report based on that view is being updated.
[192035] Fixed an issue with drill on GIS google maps passing incorrect values
>GIS Google Mapでのドリル機能で、正しい値が引き渡されていなかった問題を解消しました。
[192302] Fixed an issue with crosstab reports. Case sensitivity issue when the DB data was being used as column/row in the table.
[192973] Fixed a bug that sometimes stopped groups from being deleted while using some databases
[193360] Fixed an issue with analytic functions on crosstab reports with no results
[193371] Fixes an issue where advanced subqueries with filters that link to view level filters in the master report would be removed
[194810] Fixed an error when using a reference code sort in an OLAP report that caused the reference code sort order to be ignored
[195456] Fixed an error that caused license breach messages to appear when changing a role in some circumstances
[195730] Fixed an issue with GIS bubble map layers not showing
[195855] Made the date slider work for OLAP time series
[196306] Fixes an issue where reports that were broadcast via FTP in XLS that had a company logo in the header or footer would produce a blank XLS file or file without the image included
[197078] Issue with BIRT upload via webservices resolved.
[197631] Issue preventing import of content with missing filters fixed.
[197645] Fixed an error that sometimes caused filters using a numeric slider in Freehand SQL reports to be treated as source filters
[198108] Fixed a bug which allowed you to export parent org reports as dashboard dependencies.
[198109] Fixed a bug which allowed you to export parent org views/data sources as report dependencies
[198676] Fixed an bug that caused the scroll bar on the report list to not function properly
[198854] Fixed an issue with freehand report calculated fields not importing
[199076] Fix issues with flattening groups at Clients with LDAP users.
[199088] Fixed some performance issues when using drag and drop OLAP reports
[199663] Potential security issue fixed on logon page.
[199975] Fixed an issue with join conditions being messed up by view cloning.
[199985] Fixed an error that caused a filters formatting to be overwritten in some circumstances
[200266] Fixed an error that sometimes caused the translation CSV export to crash.