Yellowfin Change Log
Yellowfin BI 7.2 - build 20170221
Yellowfin 7.2 update
Published: 3 March, 2017
[YFN-433 247704] Added functionality that will now extend the width of the hour field in the broadcast function so the hour does not get truncated.
[YFN-662 247704] Extend the width of the hour field in the Broadcast area so the hour does not get truncated.
[YFN-646] Added ability to change metric headings, column values, and row value backgrounds in cross tab reports.
[YFN-28] Added schedule option "Weekdays" which will run the task Monday-Friday
[YFN-612 111683] Added functionality that allows client org to be used when embedding reports and dashboards via JS API through new url option 'clientOrg' specified as the client reference id of the desired client. This has the restriction that only one client org can be used per page.
>Javascript API経由でレポートやダッシュボードをを参照する際にクライアント参照IDを指定することができるようになりました。但し、指定できるクライアント組織は1ページにつき1つとなります。
[YFN-575] Add command line option for a yellowfin patch to silently fail when install target version is newer than patch version action.silentfaildowngrade
[YFN-515 244338] Added ability to link parameters to be used as co-display link sources or targets.
[YFN-374 176808] Added functionality that enables calculated totals for olap fields.
[YFN-37 2473534] Added ability to allow multiple values when linking by fields and child filter is inlist/notinlist.
Resolved Issues(不具合改修):
[YFN-81 246216] Fixed an issue related to region settings and how the user name formatting is displayed in sub folders.
[YFN-114] Fixed an issue where a dashboard chart would no longer drill down after being reset when drilling had been applied to another chart.
[YFN-266 250254] Fixed an issue where default org top level folder, with the same name, would show as a subfolder in the client org. Also, fixed top level folders being merged.
[YFN-274 250360] Fixed an issue that would cause a no results co-display issue when using min/max value where the child filter does not support min/max option.
[YFN-275 23212] Fixed an issue that was causing the date format to not respects language settings in report tables.
[YFN-305 248868] Fixed an null pointer exception when trying to create a view based from a TreasureData source.
>Treasure Data使用時にビューが作成できなかった問題を解消しました。
[YFN-711 1982] Fixed an issue when using Axis 1.4 with Java 1.8.0_20 because of the way collections are sorted. We have addressed this concurrency issue while using the SSO API.
>Java 1.8.0_20でAxis1.4を使用する際に、コレクションのソート方法が原因で発生していた問題を解消しました。
[YFN-4845] Fixed issue with SMTP password saving incorrectly.
[YFN-4574] Fixed an issue with the help text in the chart settings for google maps.
[YFN-4520] Fixed issue where JNDI data source could not be used due to 'oh no' error when connecting to this data source.
[YFN-4097] Fixed issue where after setting up an advanced union subquery, adding a field to the report would cause an error.
[YFN-3056] Fixed translation issue with popup when saving report in a multi-language deployment.
[YFN-2956] Fixed display issue in the new slide popup in storyboard.
[YFN-335] Fix table/column header lock weirdness when table contains binary images.
[YFN-320 248859] Fixed issue that allowed a user to create a subquery off an inaccessible datasource.
[YFN-310] Fixed incorrect tooltip text in the license management page.
[YFN-306] Fix an issue where the prompt value button is missing from the filter format popup for a third party advanced sub query filter.
[YFN-287 231916] Fixed an issue related to authenticating using LDAP servers when TLS encryption is selected.
[YFN-284 251143] Fix an issue where prompt value button is incorrectly displayed in the filter format popup for a stored procedure advanced sub query filter.
[YFN-270] Fixed an issue that would allow a user to edit their own profile information even when their access to user management is read only.
[YFN-269] Fixed an issue when accessing filter values of OLAP reference code formatted filters would cause a null pointer exception error.
[YFN-216] Add option to disable 'having' filters when populating cached filter values
[YFN-212] Fixed an issue that forced a regular filter as 'mandatory', now normal filters are no longer always tagged as mandatory when creating a stored procedure report.
[YFN-201] Fixed an issue with cross site scripting security flaw.
[YFN-193] Fixed an issue which broke the filter panel UI when Parameters are used as filters. Parameters are usable after a view is cached and you have the ability to define values for parameter filters.
[YFN-187 248576] Fixed an issue with a filter display defect where org ref codes would show their unformatted value if they were based off a numeric field.
[YFN-164 236188] Removed the option of Reference Code in the drop-down list when the field has a parent filter and the option 'Dependent Values' is on.
[YFN-159] Fixed an issue with 'login logic' to work when Yellowfin operates in a cluster which does not have session replication.
[YFN-105] Fixed an issue that would cause the legend options on meter charts to display when no conditional formatting is applied.
[YFN-75] Fixed a refresh issue when brushing is used with dashboard reports having Unit Selection and the units change.
[YFN-74] Fixed an issue where a null number value used on a chart which has animation, would cause the formatting to not be applied to the chart.
[YFN-53 250902] Fixed an error that occurs when going back up a drill anywhere hierarchy after changing filter values.
[YFN-49 251131] Fixed an issue where the prompt value button is incorrectly displayed in the filter format popup for a third party advanced sub query filter.
[YFN-4759] Fixed an issue where comparative conditional formatting was not showing on charts as well as advanced conditional formatting was breaking charts from rendering.
[YFN-98] Fixed security vulnerabilities related to a direct object reference when editing of reports, regardless of permissions of logged in user.