Yellowfin Change Log
Yellowfin BI 9.2.2 - build 20200805
Published: 5 August, 2020
16526 - Added support for Client Org specific External URL configuration.
19847 - Allow third-party datasource authentication adapters to signal whether they support bulk broadcast report execution.
9939 - Added the ability to left and right align the text value of a Numeric Display chart.
19296 - New Image Link Formatter to render image links as HTML images within a report table.
19700 - Added a thresold-alerts REST endpoint.
>ブロードキャストのアラートを取得するためのREST endpointを追加しました。
19634 - Added logonCheck.i4 which may be called from a browser to check if the browser has access to a valid Yellowfin session. This may be used before initiating an SSO call.
19622 - Added CSS variables for prominent colours used in the application. These variables replace hardcoded colours used in CSS throughout Yellowfin.
19621 - UI elements such as dropdowns and tooltops position properly when the page width is fixed.
19612 - Allow SSO using an ajax call to logon.i4 with a webservice token, but without an "entry" page.
19347 - Added a new text widget parameter, tablevalue, which can be used to display a table cell's content within a text widget.
19225 - Changes to allow IFrame integration and full Application Integration to work together in the same session.
15668 - Added a new feature which allows category trimming on bar and column charts which have dimension colours.
19873 - Modified the volatile sources SQL query for BMC AR datasources
Resolved Issues(不具合改修):
19680 - Fixed an issue that would prevent chart formats from importing correctly.
19878 - Fixed an issue where when on a chart no series sort field was selected, the metric tooltip field could be used.
19698 - Fixed an issue that caused cached filters with trailing whitespace characters to return no results when applied.
14472 - Fixed an error that blocked import process.
19860 - Fixed an issue where the chart migration to keep the old defaults would not run in some cases.
19698 - Fixed an issue that caused cached filters with trailing whitespace characters to return no results when applied.
19737 - Resolved an issue with the Query Data Cache bring used.
17365 - Fixed an issue where upgrades would fail in some cases due to data in the TaskSchedule table.
19433 - Fixed issue with Drill Through reports not drilling on embedded reports in JsAPI v2.
>JS API V2使用時、ドリルスルーが動作しなかった事象を解消しました。
19816 - Resolved an issue with FTP and Save to Disk broadcasts that failed when they included Access Filters.
19578 - Resolved an issue with Volatile Source validation SQL for the ARJDBC data sources.
19863 - Resolved an issue with broadcasting XLS and PDF reports via FTP or Save To Disk, when they contained tabbed co-display & Access Filters.
19620 - Fixed an issue with the "Save to Disk" role disappearing after an upgrade.
19469 - Fixed an issue that prevent importing time granularity and aggregation ofr time series chart.
18529 - Fix an issue when a timezone is requested for a deleted/invalid client organisation.
619 - Resolved an issue where table conditions were being sent a null value when used in a advanced sub query child report.
19836 - Resolved issue with memory settings not being correctly set for Windows Service on installation.
19854 - Fixed an issue with the "Share Private Report" role disappearing after an upgrade.
19773 - Fixed a problem that added user to default organisation regardless of client reference id in the request .
>ADDUSERのSOPA Webサービス使用時、クライアント組織にユーザーを追加できなかった事象を解消しました。
19876 - Resolved an issue preventing some images from rendering when loading content through the Javascript API, when Multitab functionality was enabled.
>マルチタブサポートがONになっている場合、Javascript APIを介してコンテンツをロードしたとき、一部の画像がレンダリングされなかった事象を解消しました。
19875 - Fixed an issue that caused filters to disappear when importing a dashboard created in a pre-9.2 version.
19839 - Fixed an issue that somtimes caused charts to not render at the correct resolution.
19803 - Fixed a conflict that could occur when embedding dashboards using the dashboard embed link.
19793 - Fixed an issue where certain instance types were not rendered while using the Report API.
>Report API使用時、特定のコンテンツタイプがレンダリングできなかった事象を解消しました。
19784 - Fixed an issue with Signal correlations in client orgs.
19633 - MultiTab fixes to support IFrame and Application Integration.
19629 - Fixed an error when using UUIDs to identify SubTabs in the Javascript API.
>Javascript API使用時、UUIDでサブタブの特定ができなかった事象を解消しました。
19597 - Fixed an issue where dashboards would not load if you navigate away from them and then back in Internet Explorer 11.
>IE 11使用時、ダッシュボードから別ページに移動し、再度ダッシュボードに戻ってきた場合に正しくロードされなかった事象を解消しました。
19531 - Fixed an issue where code widgets would stop working after modifying content in code mode.
19449 - Upgrade application server to Tomcat 9.0.35.
19370 - Resolved an issue where filters were not copying correctly when duplicating a Sub Tab for a Dashboard.
19283 - Users a shown a Deprecated Browser Support warning upon logging in, when using up to version 11 of Internet Explorer.
19111 - Fixed a problem that prevented drill down to dashboard filter links from being recognised until the page was refreshed or the dashboard was published.
18967 - Prevent the multitab token and other unnecessary parameters from appearing in the report run link which appears in the share popup and in emails.
18793 - Fixed an issue that caused filter links on an imported dashboard to not show when editing the dashboard.