Yellowfin Change Log
Yellowfin BI 7.4 - build 20180313
7.4 Update
Published: 13 Mar, 2018
Resolved Issues(不具合改修):
10027 - Upgrading to 7.4 from previous major releases caused secured content folders to lose it's members
Yellowfin BI 7.4 - build 20180226
7.4 Update
Published: 26 February, 2018
8548 - Fixed an issue so that if there is a child report which is created from a parent report and if the results of parent report are truncated then same message will be shown in the child report also.
9646 - Started rebranding the project, changed the login page, headers, footers, and favicons and changed izpack's splash screen.
9495 - Added an option that will allow reports that have drill anywhere pass the selected drill anywhere values to every basic sub-query in a report
9382 - Created a new Parameter implementation called PasswordParameter
9380 - Added configuration parameters for Data Transformations, to web.xml.
9360 - Improved consistency of Auto Analysis insight icons
9110 - Simplified the task life cycle
9049 - Implemented R Script Transformation
8962 - Repository clustering alias added to Clustering Configuration
8766 - Pre-populate date field on report builder data discovery if there is only one available option
8382 - Added new analytical function "Standard Deviation from Mean"
>高度な関数に"平均値からの標準偏差(Standard Deviation from Mean)"を追加しました。
8078 - User password hashing upgraded to BCrypt.
6315 - A new Data Transformation Step which performs Union on two sets of data
5039 - Added font options for the labels on treemaps
8270 - Fixed problem with incorrect narratives in certain situations
Resolved Issues(不具合改修):
9276 - Display filter logic for 3rd party report
4863 - Fixed problem with dashboard resizing when changing tabs
7672 - Added delete permission check before showing Report 'Undo Changes'
9356 - Issues with Session Replication addressed
9202 - Added options for UTF-8 with and without BOM when exporting report to CSV
>CSVエクスポート時の文字セットにUTF-8 BOMあり/なしを追加しました。
9124 - Fixed an issue where editing between date filters and leaving values unchanged caused an error
6956 - Prevented a blank page being shown when you click the cross at the edit or clone view page
5890 - Fixed issue where field usage tab would be blank in view data profile results
4661 - Fixed a vulnerability with associated reports on dashboard
5628 - Fixed issue where xlsx report export would not replace fullwidth versions of illegal characters for sheet names
9150 - Fixed issue where calculated fields in subqueries which used other calculated fields in their formula would not be able to be imported without warnings/breaking the import
8737 - Fixed an issue where multiple stacked total labels would be visible on a chart based on a pivot report.
9618 - Fixed an issue in the transformation flow that caused a field to disappear
9465 - Fixed an issue where sub tabs sometimes wrapped around to a new line
9377 - Display raw numeric values in Filter Step
9375 - enable moving views and transformations to the other folder
9331 - The precision option was being used wrongly to set the row limit during execution
9524 - Fixed an issue that editting published transformation in Summary window
9827 - Fixed a bug which was breaking Steps which don't need any config to generate fields
9824 - Fixed a problem when connecting a step with space in any field's name to an output step, it would throw oh no error
9604 - Fixed an issue that caused a data type mismatch when updating a table in SQL Server from ETL
>トランスフォーメーションフローでSQL Serverのテーブルを更新しようとした際、データ型の不一致が発生していた問題を解消しました。
9600 - Fixed an issue that allowed users to publish incomplete transformations
9561 - Fixed an issue where Javascript charts more than 3000 characters long had new lines appearing where they weren't before
9541 - Fix related to case sensitive database columns
9527 - Fixed the dynamic timestamp filters for MDX reports
9510 - Fixed an issue that doing data profile in view has an infinite loop
9493 - Fixed the issue of NPE when dragging out a field with advanced function,
9450 - Fixed an issue that upgrading from 7.4 Dec to Jan failed
9437 - Fixed incorrect standard deviation when comparing metrics in Instant Insights
9434 - Compare Dates is now working
9432 - Fix problem running Insights in report builder
9410 - If a source step's fields are moved around before executing a Partial Run on its target step, cached source data gets positioned properly so that it corresponds to the fields in the source step
9395 - Resolved an issue where placing a field with no values
9346 - No more NPE on compare metrics
9354 - OLAP Text fields now converted to Date/Time using converters
>OLAPデータでText to SQL Dateコンバーター、Text to SQL Timestampコンバーターが使用できるようになりました。
9341 - Fixed a problem with reports that have both UNION and APPEND subqueries
9337 - Fixed an error that allowed Client Organisation users who can modify themes to modify Primary Organisation themes
9318 - Fixed an issue where edit comment didn't work in timeline
9316 - Fixed an issue where editing polls in timeline didn't allow attaching polls
9277 - Fixed an issue where auto chart matching was not setting problem fields correctly
9190 - Fixed issue where attaching content overlapped some buttons
9179 - Add performance improvements to validating calculated fields created on some sub query reports
9176 - Fixed problem where charts were not being sorted Alphanumerically
9123 - Different message for section
9119 - Smart Analysis with group fields is now working
9103 - Fixed an issue where histograms would break if one of the colour values was null
9086 - Fixed a cross site scripting vulnerability for dashboards
9085 - Fixed problem in the user profile editor where changing the users own password did not
>SQL Serverをリポジトリデータベースとした環境で、管理コンソールから自分のパスワードを変更する際、現在のパスワードの検証が正しく行われていなかった問題を解消しました。
9072 - Fixed an issue where ovelay charts would not display all of the series in it's legend
9066 - Null and empty values on tooltips now appear as NULL and EMPTY, and are translated to different languages.
9065 - On Tree map charts that only have the metric field added, the tooltip now displays the category label as the title and the value appears by itself below.
9059 - Fixed an issue where null values in a Raster Map dataset would cause the map to not generate
9041 - Fixed an issue where suppress duplicates was not working correctly
9039 - Changed the activity stream to hold scroll position when a new comment is added
9021 - The map chart legend tooltips now show the metric label as title and the intervals below it
9007 - Added date pickers for date and timestamp parameter filters on dashboard
8949 - Replace null values with "Empty Value" string
8858 - Fixed problem with Variance value being incorrect in Instant Insight narratives
8793 - Fixed an issue where bookmarks would be lost on a report with view level filters
8741 - Fixed NullPointerException, which probably caused an issue with saving draft reports
8683 - Trends on chart have been fixed such that when hovering over trend points only the trend data is shown
8653 - Support SQL Server repository on case-sensitive collations
>SQL Serverで、大文字小文字を区別する照合順序が設定されているデータベースをリポジトリデータベースとして使用することができるようになりました。
8582 - Hide comments and activity stream on Timeline, Storyboard, Reports, Dashboard and Browse Page when 'Hide Comments' role is enabled
8541 - Fixed inability to show view summary when there is a problem generating the view sql
8514 - No more empty Auto Analysis panel and message is shown to the user
8468 - Heat grids are now being generated only with up to 40 vertical values, or 15 single field horizontal values, or 12 multiple field horizontal values. If any of these limits are exceeded a Treemap is generated.
8448 - Pre defined and SQL are now listed in Key Variable section
8437 - User can change the themes if he has write access to those themes and the themes are in the client org of the user's group
8399 - Calculating the difference with rounded numbers, correct the result
8318 - Addition of a new colour for GISGEOMETRY fields
>インサイト・ウィザードの高度な設定で、フィールドタイプを示す色がGIS Geometry項目に表示されていなかった問題を解消しました。
8179 - Add the third and fourth dimensions into both top N explanation and min max explanation.
>インサイトでTop Nや最小値/最大値を説明する際、算出に用いたディメンションの情報が一部、説明文に含まれていなかった問題を解消しました。
8170 - Filled out all absent (undefined) narratives
8161 - Fixed problem with explanations not distinguishing between different metrics
8089 - Prevented an exception when data did not match the date format supplied when converting text to dates or timestamps in the view
>ビューでText to SQL Dateコンバーター、あるいはText to SQL Timestampコンバーターを使用した際、誤った書式を適用したことで発生していた例外エラーを解消しました。
8087 - Co-display reports are now added only once when report is broadcasted to a group of people
8019 - Insights panel now uses HTML escapes for rendering values preventing executable javascript
7987 - Improved error handling for auto analysis
7935 - Fixed problem with retrieving data using calculated fields when using smart analysis
7859 - Add DATEHIERARCHY fields to dimension Fields list
7917 - Exclude fields which has only one Pvalue
7681 - Added narratives to Geo Polygons and Geo Point charts
>GIS Geometryを含んだデータセットでインサイトを実行した結果、マップレポートの説明文が表示されていなかった問題を解消しました。
7572 - On Drill Down and Drill Anywhere, the new field's name is being shown under compare dimension fields and under Fields to Analyse.
7565 - Addition of a message when filter values added or changed, when a filter is updated or removed, or when filter advanced options are closed.
7553 - Get data from GeoPack when there is a GeoPack link
7544 - Fix problem with Insights when there is no data available due to access filters
7527 - When a report has sections, sub queries or rows, make Smart Analysis unavailable but show Smart Analysis icon (grey)
7525 - YEAR is now always shown when 'Select Specific Year' is selected
7517 - Addition of tooltip for Fields to Analyse values, and for Smart Analysis dropdowns on long field names and values.
7003 - Fixed an issue where linking brushing from a heat grid chart would result in an error on the linked chart.
6924 - Fixed an issue where series not shown on a auto generated scatter chart were still appearing in the legend
6869 - When using a freehand SQL report as a view, fields are now shown in subsequent reports and view summary info
6237 - Fixed error when sharing reports to external email addresses
5996 - Addition of seconds, minutes, and hours
5167 - Fixed an issue where sharing a storyboard in client org caused errors
9051 - Add a configurable setting for broadcast email content size limits
9366 - Smart Analysis charts are now shown in activity stream