Yellowfin Change Log Yellowfin BI 7.1 - build 20150624 Yellowfin 7.1 update Published: 26 June, 2015 Enhancements: 【国内からの問い合わせ】 [182635] Added new role functions for managing View and Field Categories, and Org Reference Codes, through the Admin Console >管理コンソールのビュー/フィールドカテゴリーと、参照コードを管理するロールが追加されました。 [191368] Added an option to choose the character encoding used when exporting reports to CSV. Also added a configuration option to set the default encoding. >レポートをCSVにエクスポートする際、文字コードを選択できるようになりました。また、デフォルトの文字コードを設定できるようになりました。 【海外からの問い合わせ】 [106596] New connection methods for connecting to Oracle, Service Name and TNSNAMES [189057] Added an option to remove empty values from dimension fields on cross tab reports [194013] Webservice VIEWONEDASHBOARD now shows an error if the specified dashboard cannot be found. [194014] New option for GETUSERPARENTTABS and similar webservices to display content in particular language. [194015] Yellowfin installer now supports Service Name for Oracle connections [195569] Performance fixes for internal User Report Access Check. [196408] Added horizontal layered bar charts [196424] Added a "bubble size" setting for GIS bubble layers. [196709] Integer Organisation Id now available via webservices. [196710] Limit content types returned via GETCONTENT webservice. [196713] New webservices for managing the Configuration table [196809] Yellowfin Respository database connection type. Resolved Issues: 【国内からの問い合わせ】 [188692] Fixed an issue with the columnar database not applying having clauses >インメモリでhavingが使用できていなかった問題を解消しました。 [193826] Fixed an issue where users given delete access to a CSV file via a group did not have the correct access >CSVレポートを作成する際、削除権限を持ったユーザーグループに所属しているユーザーに正しく権限が適用されていなかった問題を解消しました。 [194137] Fixed an issue where using the "Equals Column" option in an advanced subquery filter would casue the report would display "Filter Settings are incomplete" when the filter settings were valid >高度なサブクエリーでフィルター条件を"カラムと等しい"など、カラムとの比較にした時に「フィルターの設定が不完全です」と表示されていた問題を解消しました。 [195246] Fixed an issue where loading the user list in the admin console would cause a javascript error and stop the additional users from being displayed >管理コンソールでユーザー一覧を読み込む際にjavascriptエラーが発生し、それ以降のユーザーが読み込まれない問題を解消しました。 [195540] Removed the error message "No writable data sources available" when importing a CSV at the view level >ビューレベルでCSVをインポートする際に「書込み可能なデータソースはありません」と表示されていた問題を解消しました。 [195740] HSQL Deadlock when creating new datasource fixed. >新規でデータソースが作成する際、スキーマを指定すると保存できなかった問題を解消しました。 【海外からの問い合わせ】 [190909] Fixed an issue when exporting a report to XLS. If a field is a partial date, the dates were not being populated properly. [193642] Fixed an issue where OLAP time series charts would break when the "visible series - top panel" was selected [194548] Fixes an issue where OLAP fields were unable to be replaced at the view level when the name of an dimension in a cube datasource was changed [195027] Fixed an issue where editing a view would cause view level filters from filter groups which were shown on the dashboard to be removed [195457] Fixed an error in certain circumstances when installing into SQL Server [195846] Fixed a null pointer exception that under certain circumstances would prevent the user from continuing when importing views and reports with filters [196476] Fixed a bug preventing from notifying a dashboard tab's last modifier that the tab contains draft reports [196825] Fixed an issue where GeoPack data was not loaded correctly during installation in some cases [197529] Fixed an issue where filters linked to filters in a different subquery would not validate in the report builder